How did we make this edition?
Planning a variorum reading experience
This is a variorum edition in the sense that it assembles and displays the variant forms of a work. In designing this Frankenstein Variorum, we are grateful for inspiration and consultation of Barbara Bordalejo and her ”Online Variorum of Darwin’s Origin of Species”, which shared a similar goal, with six variant editions published in the author’s lifetime over a period of 14 or 15 years. We were also impressed with Ben Fry’s ”On the Origin of Species: The Preservation of Favoured Traces," an interactive visualization of how much that work changed over 14 years of Darwin’s revisions, where on mouseover, you can access passages of the text in transition. In our team’s early meetings at the Carnegie Mellon University Library, we sketched several design ideas on whiteboards, and arrived at a significant decision about planning an interface to invite reading for variation. Side-by-side panels are typically how we read variant texts (via Juxta Commons, which was then popular, or the Versioning Machine, or the early experiments with the Pennsylvania Electronic Edition’s side-by-side view of 1818 and 1831 Frankenstein texts).
We agreed that surely a five-way comparison was not best served by five narrow side-by-side panels, yet we wanted our readers to be able to see all available variations of a passage at once. For this a note panel seemed most appropriate, especially if we could link to each other edition at a particular instance of variation. Bordalejo’s Variorum highlights variant passages color-coded to their specific edition and offers a mechanism to view each of the other variants on that passage—momentarily on mouseover of the highlighted text. We admired this ability to see the other passages, but we also wanted it to be more available to the viewer and saw it as a basis for navigating and for exploring the edition across its versions. Our Variorum viewer is related to that of the Darwin Variorum, but we decided to foreground the variant apparatus view and make it the basis of visualizing and navigating our edition.
We also decided to display a single edition in “full view” at a time and to foreground "hotspots" of variance, to alert the reader to passages that are different in this text than in the other versions. As they explore a particular edition, readers can discover variant passages based on highlights of light to dark intensity.

When navigating our interface, on interacting with a variant passage, a side panel appears to display the data about variation in each of the other four editions, known as the critical apparatus (designed in editions to store information about variation). That side panel not only displays variants but directly links the reader to each of the other editions available at that moment. So, instead of the familiar side-by-side reading panel view, we chose to foreground a "wide angle" view all variations at once on the screen, and make it a basis for navigation to see what each of the other editions look like at that moment.

Note that the variant passages represented in the critical apparatus panel is not exactly the same as a passage’s literal appearance in its source text (visible on click). This is because we are displaying normalized text showing our basis for comparing the editions. For example, the normalized view ignores case differences in lettering, interprets “&” as equivalent to ”and” and brings forward where some versions hold paragraph boundaries and others do not. To view the text as it appears in its witness, follow the link to it in the critical apparatus panel. In openly sharing the normalized view of the texts in the critical apparatus panel, we wanted to display not only the variations but also our basis for identifying and grouping those variations.
While the Frankenstein Variorum may certainly be accessed to read a single edition from start to finish, it seems more likely that readers might wish to go wandering to explore the edition at interesting moments, collecting digital “core samples” of significantly altered passages to track their changes. We recommend reading the Frankenstein Variorum from any point of departure and in any direction. We invite the reader to a non-linear adventure in reading across the editions, exploring for variation. Exploring variants in this edition may complement reading a print edition of Frankenstein, and we hope will reward curious readers, student projects, and scholarly researchers investigating precisely how this novel transformed from 1816 to 1831.
To accomplish the vision of our interface, we had much work to do to prepare the texts for comparison. What follows is a brief, illustrated explanation of how we prepared this project.
Preparing the texts for machine-assisted collation
When we began this project, we set ourselves the challenge to collate existing digital editions of the 1818 and 1831 texts with the Shelley-Godwin Archive’s TEI XML edition of the manuscript notebooks (the "MS" in our Variorum). The print editions were encoded based on their nested semantic structure of volumes, chapters, paragraphs, with pagination in the original source texts a secondary phenomenon barely worth representing on the screen. The MS consisted of thousands of XML documents, with a separate file for each individual notebook with a documentary line-by-line encoding of the marks of the page surfaces, including marginal annotations. These could be bundled into larger files, but the major structural divisions in this edition are page surfaces. Chapter, paragraph, and other such meaningful structures were, thankfully for us, encoded carefully in “milestone marker” elements. In XML, it means they were signaled in position, but not used to provide structure to the documents.
With careful tracking of all the distinct elements in each edition, we noted where and how the editions marked each meaningful structure in the novel. We applied eXtensible Stylesheets Transformation Language (XSLT) to negotiate the different paradigms of markup in these digital editions. We applied XSLT to “flatten” the structure of all the editions, to convert all the meaningful structure elements into “milestone markers,” thinking of them as signal beacons for us in the collation process that would follow. Locating analogous markup and flattening all the editions to include that meaningful markup was key to our preparation of the editions for machine-assisted collation. Crucially, we could not include all the markup tagging in the collation. Markers of volumes, letters, chapters, paragraphs, and poetry were meaningful points of comparison. However, we also had to mark off, effectively mask away, elements in the MS files that marked page surfaces and each line on the page. We could not lose these markers: they were important to construct the editions you see in the Variorum interface (where we do display lineation. But we also had to bundle the S-GA page XML files into clusters to align roughly with the structural divisions of the print editions.
We followed the Gothenburg Model of computer-aided textual collation, which requires clarity on how we would:
- Tokenize the strings of text to be compared into base units: We would compare words and punctuation, and decide on markup to include as tokens supplying crucial data for comparison;
- Normalize certain literal differences as not meaningful: for example: we must instruct the collation algorithm that ”‡amp;” is the same as ”and”, and also that the
markup in the Shelley-Godwin archive indicating the start of a new paragraph is the same as as start tag for a`<p>`
element in the editions of the print texts. Our list of normalizing algorithims became very extensive over the course of this project. - Align the texts by dividing them into 33 regular portions that share starting and ending points across the five editions. This was complicated by gaps in the manuscript and heavily revised passages and alterations in the chapter divisions in the 1831 text. The alignment challenges with the MS notebooks are explained and visualized later.
- Analyze the output of the machine assisted collation and look for errors in alignment, normalization, and tokenization to correct.
- Visualize the results of collation, and thereby find bugs to fix or alterations to make in the process.
Alignment proved a significant challenge. We divided the novel into 33 portions (casually deemed “chunks”) that shared the same or very similar passages as starting and ending points. Often these were set at chapter boundaries, or at the start of a passage shared across all five editions, like the famous "It was on a dreary night of November" shared in all of the texts. These "chunks" would share much the same end-points as well. These were prepared so that the CollateX collation software would more reliably and efficiently locate variant passages than it could by working with the entire novel. This was also important because the MS notebooks were not a complete representation of the novel, but were missing portions, so we needed to identify which collation units we had present.
To understand the contents of the Frankenstein Variorum, it helps to see how the pieces and fragments of the manuscript notebook aligned with the 33 collation units that we prepared for the full print editions available in their totality. The MS notebooks were missing a large portion of the opening of the novel, a full 7 collation units. They featured a gap in the middle, around which we identified collation unit 19, and they contained a few extra copies of passages at C-20, C-24, and C-29 - C-33. The MS files were identified by their position in one of three boxes at the Bodleian Library, all fully encoded by the Shelley-Godwin Archive. The following interactive diagram is a visual summary of how the pieces aligned prior to collation:
We prepared all editions in XML designed to be compared with one another with computer-aided collation. We planned that our variorum edition files, when complete, would be prepared as TEI documents, and we thought of the TEI encoding language as expressing the meaningful basis for comparison across the differently encoded source editions. But to begin preparing the edition in TEI, we needed to find a way for our differently encoded source texts to share a common language. To begin preparing the edition in TEI, we first converted the old HTML files from the Pennsylvania Electronic edition into simple, clear, and well-formed XML documents using regular expression matching and careful search and replace operations. We also corrected the texts from the 1990s edition files by consulting print and facsimile editions of the 1818 and 1831 editions.
Elisa Beshero-Bondar prepared a new edition of the Thomas copy marginalia by consulting the source text in person at the Morgan Library & Museum, and reviewing the previous commentary on this material by James Rieger and Nora Crook. She added the Thomas copy marginalia using <add>
, <del>
, and <note>
in the XML of the 1818 edition to represent insertions, deletions, and notes written. The 1823 edition was prepared from careful OCR of a photofacsimile thanks to Carnegie Mellon University librarians, and Elisa worked with Rikk Mulligan to prepare the XML for the 1823 edition to parallel that of the 1818, Thomas, and 1831 texts. Each of these versions was prepared for collation to share the same XML elements for paragraphs, chapters, letters, lines of poetry, and other structural features as well as inline emphasis of words and phrases in the source documents. Preparing the texts for collation in XML was an early "data output" of our project that we share with the complete Variorum edition as potentially useful to other scholars.
While the simple XML encoding of the 1818, 1823, Thomas, and 1831 editions is designed to be parallel, it's important to point out that we did not change the markup of the manuscript notebooks from the S-GA archive at this stage. We simply bundled each of its separate TEI XML files (one file for each page surface) into larger files to represent Boxes 56 and 57 (containers of the looseleaf sheets remaining of the manuscript notebook. Those boxes are thought to contain a mostly continuous though fragmentary ”fair copy” of the manuscript notebook. The ”surface and zone” TEI markup of the S-GA MS edition tracked lines of handwritten text on every page surface, including deletions, insertions, and marginal notes. To amke it possible to compare the S-GA edition to the others, we had to establish a method of mapping the S-GA encoding to the simple XML we prepared for the print edition files. We analyzed the S-GA encoding to map which S-GA TEI elements were equivalent to those in the simple XML we prepared for the print editions. The markers of all the structural features including letters, chapters, and paragraphs were all signaled with empty milestone markers. Notes to add material in the margins had been encoded at the end of each page file, so we resequenced these to position them in reading order, following the very clear markup in the S-GA files as to their insertion locations. Much of this resequencing was handled with XSLT to prepare the texts so that marginal additions could be placed in reading sequence. That resequencing was crucial to be able to collate the S-GA TEI with the other documents, because collation proceeds by comparing strings in sequential order.
From Collation Data to Variorum Edition
The collation process was going to read these XML documents we had prepared as long strings of text. It would produce outputs that we could structure to create our Variorum edition. New markup would be added to indicate passages in each document that varied from each of the others. In a way, the markup we prepared was going to be taken apart and reassembed by the collation and edition construction. To prepare for this process we need to transformed their structure so that the markup could be radically restructured: We “flattened” the XML structure of our source edition files. elements, convert self-closing milestone markers for collation, because the collation process needs to be able to locate alterations that collapse or open up new paragraphs and chapters. We similarly flattened the markup of the Shelley-Godwin archive texts, and we wrote an algorithm in Python to exclude page surface and line markers from the collation, because our process compares what we think of as semantic structures; thus, the paragraphing, the chapter, the volume boundaries matter where the page boundaries and lineation do not. When the editions are thus prepared in comparable “flat” XML, we process them with CollateX, which locates the points of variance (or “deltas”) and outputs these in TEI XML critical apparatus markup. We have devised a structure that we call the “spine” of the edition created from the TEI critical apparatus to point to specific locations in each of the edition files. Designed from the very first output of the collation process, the spine serves as a centralized storage of information about each passage in each of the five texts in the Variorum.

We develop the five edition files by outputting them from the data stored in the spine, which contains the original text and its normalized versions used for comparison bundled into XML structures to organize the versions into groups sharing the same normalized text. The process of developing the TEI spine and the TEI edition files from the collation process is complicated series of transformations using primarily XSLT programming. For the technical details on how we read and process the collation data from the source texts, calculate edit-distances, and create the editions, see our postcollation pipeline documentation. To summarize the process, it involves:
- Transforming the output of the collation software into a TEI file that stores all information about where all five texts are same and where they are different in the form critical apparatus encoding. This is considered a “standoff” version because it stands alone, outside the five editions, and is designed to link to them and supply information about them.
- Building the edition files from the data stored in the spine. This involves constructing new XML files. Remember how we flattened the XML elements from the source editions to make it possible to compare the markup? Now we have to identify those flattened elements in the text strings, and “raise” them into whole elements again to form their original structures.
- Calculating the extent of variance or edit distance, at each passage that experienced change. Edit distance is a recognizably problematic measure: We can literally calculate the number of characters that make one passage of text different from another, but some changes are obviously more meaningful than others. (For example, in this lightly variant passage, the only difference is punctuation: “away,” vs. “away”, so the edit distance is literally just 1 and the variation is not particularly significant. However, other variant passages might shift meaning by changing just one character: for example, the difference between “newt” and “next” is just one character, as well, though that one character totally changes the meaning of the word and should really be considered more significant a variant. In practice we do see many simple variants to do with small changes to syntax or punctuation more like the first example than the second, and we also see very heavily revised longer passages of variance which we really want to stand out. The edit-distance calculation of each edition at a moment of variance is calculated between pairs, each to the others, and we store the maximum edit distance value for use in the edition files in the next step.
- Applying new elements to each edition file to store information about each passage that varies from the other editions. We translate those numbers into four different shades of variation to help make the heavily altered passages easily discoverable, to be displayed as “hotspots” in the edition interface. Where changes to the text involved a shift in paragraph or chapter boundaries, we had to break up a hotspot to fit in pieces around a paragraph ending and beginning so as not to disturb the document structure of the TEI edition files.
- The spine is finally transformed again, after the edition files are prepared, to set links to each edition file at each locus of variation. After the postCollation pipeline process is complete, the edition data from the spine and edition files is ready to be delivered to the static web interface.
- One last product of the postCollation data processing and the edit-distance calculations is our interactive heatmap for the Variorum that you see on the homepage! It is directly produced from the data stored in the spine files and expresses that data in scalable vector graphics (SVG), an image format made of XML code and optimal for visualizing data using shapes and intensities of color. The SVG is interactive with links into the Variorum simply because it the spine was designed to store those links. This link data from the spine also makes it possible to link from one edition directly to each of the others as you are reading a passage in the Variorum Viewer.
The Static Web Interface for the Variorum
The Frankenstein Variorum interface is an example of minimal computing that keeps its dependencies simple and relies on its data structure (the spine) to deliver options for viewing and navigating entirely in your web browser. It relies on the React and Astro JavaScript web component libraries, designed for optimizing delivery of information rapidly in a static website—a website that does not need to make calls to another computer or database in the network but relies only on your local web browser to deliver the information you request as you explore and select options to view. As you interact with the Variorum Viewer, JavaScript delivers information drawn directly from the edition’s “spine” and makes it possible for you to rapidly navigate the site. For those seeking more information about these technologies, here is a good set of orientation materials curated by NYU Libraries on static websites an minimal computing. This portion of the project was originally designed in React by the Agile Project Development team back in 2018. From 2023-2024, Yuying Jin with guidance from Raffaele Viglianti migrated the technology to React and Astro libraries to work more closely with the TEI spine data and edition files.

is a static website generator for which Raffaele Viglianti developed a special TEI package, related to CETEIcean, a Javascript library that renders TEI XML directly in the browser. When you select a button or menu bar on the site, Astro coordinates and delivers views from a total of 146 chapter files (the total of all chapter files across all five versions of Frankenstein. It works together with React, which supports selector menus and interactive hotspots and displays the variants in the sidebar.
Technologies used in the project
Each stage of this project depended on its own collection of technologies and challenges. Our work was a combination of XML stack technologies (XML and XSLT), combined with Python for handling documents and markup as strings with regular expressions, and finally JavaScript libraries React and Astro with git/GitHub to package our data into web components in a static website. Here is a visual summary of them all!

Selection of presentations and papers
Over the years while we were in various stages of heated development on this project, we delievered lots of conference presentations and invited talks and related publications. Here is a selection in chronological order from 2018 to the present.
The Pittsburgh Digital Frankenstein Project: Reassembling Textual Bodies: Presentation for the Humanities Center at the University of Pittsburgh, Cathedral of Learning on 2 April 2018. Explanation of the project and range of collaborating people and institutions. Updated with material on latest full collation of manuscript notebooks, Thomas edition, and 1818, 1823, and 1831 published editions.
Bicentennial Bits and Bytes: The Pittsburgh Digital Frankenstein Project: MLA 2018 panel presentation on our variorum edition project, reconciling previous digital editions, ongoing stylometric research, and annotation development.
Frankenstein and Text Genetics: an introduction to the novel and its contexts, and our project’s connection with the Shelley-Godwin Archive
a slide presentation by Elisa Beshero-Bondar and Raffaele Viglianti for the 2017 NASSR Conference on 11 August 2017:
Balisage Proceedings for the Symposium on Up-Conversion and Up-Translation (31 July 2017): Rebuilding a digital Frankenstein by 2018: Towards a theory of losses and gains in up-translation
- In developing the postCollation pipeline, we needed to find out how to “raise” XML elements that we had flattened to be read as text strings in the collation process. This presentation is all about methods that can work and we learned from this how to build our postCollation pipeline: Flattening and unflattening XML markup: a Zen garden of “raising” methods (slide presentation at Balisage 2018)
- Published paper: Birnbaum, David J., Elisa E. Beshero-Bondar and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen. “Flattening and unflattening XML markup: a Zen garden of XSLT and other tools.” Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 21 (2018).
The Frankenstein Variorum Challenge: Finding a Clearer View of Change Over Time is a slide presentation given by Elisa Beshero-Bondar and Rikk Mulligan on July 12, 2019 at the Digital Humanities Conference in Utrecht, Netherlands.
- Adventures in Correcting XML Collation Problems with Python and XSLT: Untangling the Frankenstein Variorum (slide presentation at Balisage 2022).
- Published paper: Beshero-Bondar, Elisa E. “Adventures in Correcting XML Collation Problems with Python and XSLT: Untangling the Frankenstein Variorum.” Presented at Balisage: The Markup Conference 2022, Washington, DC, August 1 - 5, 2022. Balisage Series on Markup Technologies, vol. 27 (2022).
- On the development of the TEI for the edition and spine: Between bespoke customization and expressive interface: A reflection from the Frankenstein Variorum by Elisa Beshero-Bondar, Raffaele Viglianti, and Yuying Jin for TEI-MEC Conference, September 2023 in Paderborn, Germany.
- Reconciliation and Interchange: Collating the Text as Page in the Frankenstein Variorum presentation by Elisa Beshero-Bondar for the Editing the Text, Editing the Page Conference conference at the University of Venice, 6 October 2023.